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The Campaign for Loyalist Surpasses $6 Million Goal

Belleville, Ontario, December 12, 2014 – Thanks to the generosity of supporters, Loyalist College is delighted to announce that the College has surpassed the $6 million milestone for the Campaign for Loyalist College, designed to complete and equip the Sustainable Skills, Technology and Life Sciences Centre, and to establish awards and student financial assistance. A celebration event was held on December 11 at the College to recognize the contributions of community partners.

“I want to thank our Board of Governors for their foresight in identifying this strategic path, over five years ago,” said College President and CEO Maureen Piercy. “There have been so many positives during this initiative – in bringing focus to skilled trades, to the wonderful opportunities that careers in this area offer – and in increasing collaboration with our partners, and awareness of Loyalist’s impact in the Quinte region and beyond. We have increased our program offerings, and enrolment has grown in our skills programs. We have built, with the help of our partners and communities, a Centre which is outstanding and leads the way for our region, helping to build the economy of our communities. We’re so delighted with the results of this phase of the Campaign – with a concentration on skills, life sciences and technology training – but we know that the reality is that we will continue to require funds for equipment and capital needs, as well as for ongoing student financial assistance. The Campaign for Loyalist will continue in the future and we know that we can count on you to continue to advocate on our behalf for your community College. Thank you again.”

The Skills Centre, which opened in 2011, comprises 121,800 square feet – including 50,950 square feet of repurposed ‘green’ space, and an additional 70,850 square feet of new, flexible space for teaching, laboratories, shops, research labs and classrooms. LEED® Silver certification was awarded in 2014. After years of advocacy by area manufacturers and economic development partners, and a successful proposal by the College, the multi-use facility was built with a $16.6 million investment from the federal and provincial governments. Support from all sectors made it a reality, with funding from the federal Knowledge Infrastructure Program and matching funds from the provincial government.

The Campaign for Loyalist College, which launched on June 5, 2012, has raised $6.378 million from a wide range of community supporters including students, alumni, faculty and staff, foundations, municipalities, and business and industry partners.

“On behalf of the Board of Governors, I would like to say how very pleased we are to have such wonderful support for this Capital Campaign,” said Board Chair Brian Smith. “The $6,378,188 total has allowed us to leverage additional support – for example, donations to the endowment fund for student financial assistance enabled the College to access $804,000 in matching funds, through the provincial government’s Ontario Trust for Student Support program. The total impact of the Campaign then is close to $7.2 million – over and above the federal and provincial funding of $16.6 million to build the Skills Centre. This initiative is actually an impressive $23 million project overall! We commend the marvelous work by our Campaign leadership team, Co-Chairs Wilf Wilkinson and Bernie Ouellet, as well as former Board of Governors Chair Stuart Wright.”

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Kerry Lorimer
Director, Marketing, Communications & Recruitment
613-969-1913, ext. 2536